Department Overview
Vision Statement
To create and maintain learning environment to produce diploma Mechatronics technocrats who will serve industry and society with their knowledge and skill.
Mission Statement
M1 : To impart Mechatronics knowledge to satisfy industry and society’s needs.
M2 : To inculcate a habit to Mechatronics Engineer for lifelong learning to cope up with changing technology.
M3 : To empower Mechatronics Engineer for social progress with ethical values.
M2 : To inculcate a habit to Mechatronics Engineer for lifelong learning to cope up with changing technology.
M3 : To empower Mechatronics Engineer for social progress with ethical values.
Program Education Objective (PEO's)
PEO1 : Provide socially responsible, environment friendly broad based solutions to Mechatronics related problems adapting professional ethics.
PEO2 : Adapt state-of-the-art Mechatronics broad based technologies to work in multi-disciplinary work environments.
PEO3 : Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO's)
PSO 1. Mechatronics Equipment: To develop various automation systems in industries by using Mechatronics concept.
PSO 2. Mechatronics Systems: To maintain the automation system in industries.