Department Overview
Civil Laboratory
Sr. No. | Name of Lab | List of Major Equipment’s | Cost | Name of lab in charge | Name of Lab assistant |
01 | Computer Aided Drawing Lab | Computers 30 Nos | 438400 | Mis. Dane M.A | MR. Gaikwad V. A. |
02 | Geotechnical Engineering Lab | Loading Machine, Load Frame , Balance (5 nos), Oven (2 nos) | 403340 | Mrs. Kolhe S.N. | MR. Gaikwad V. A. |
03 | Survey Lab | Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Microoptic Theodolite, Digital planimeter, Auto Level, Transit Theodolite, Dumpy Level. | 802260 | MR. Ahire R.N. | MR. Gaikwad V. A. |
04 | Testing of Materials Lab | Universal Testing Machine, Compression Testing Machine, Izod Charpy Testing Machine, Tile Abrasion Testing Machine, Impact Testing Machine . | 402875 | MR.CHATUR R.S | MR.WAHUL S.B |
05 | Public Health Engineering Lab | B. O. D. Incubator, Muffle Furnace, C. O. D Apparatus. | 119408 | MR. GANDOLE V.A. | MR.WAHUL S.B |
06 | Engineering Mechanics Lab | Single purchase Crab, Double Purchase Crab, Screw Jack, geared Pulley Block, Universal Force Table, Friction Apparatus, Worm And Worm Wheel. | 953949 | MISS. BHARUD S.P. | MR.WAHUL S.B |
08 | Concrete technology lab | Air permeability apparatus, IS sieve, moisture sieve shaker , electronic balance, le-chat apparatus ,CTM, mould, vibrating table ,aggregate impact, los Angeles ,aggregate crushing value. slump cone test ,measuring cylinder | 445340 | MR.SONAWANE S.K. | MR.WAHUL S.B |