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I am Glad to share with you all that our Third Year Computer Engineering Department Students Miss Raut Chaitali and Miss Dhange Sakshi has Participated in MSBTE State Level Quiz Competition guided by Miss Sansare M.S. which was held at GES' Sir Dr. M. S. Gosavi Polytechnic Institute, Nashik
Santosh N. Darade Polytechnic Babhulgaon, Yeola Organizing ... a Impact Lectur Series Under Institution's Innovation Cell (IIC) sponsored by AICTE and MOE Dated on Friday,12 April 2024.
Santosh N Darade Polytechnic,Yeola. Third Year Mechanical students published a research paper in International Research Journal Of IRJMETS in Engineering Technology and Science.
Santosh N Darade Polytechnic,Yeola. Third Year Mechanical Engineering students published a research paper in International Research Journal Of IRJMETS in Engineering Technology and Science.
Santosh N Darade Polytechnic,Yeola. Third Year Mechanical Engineering Year students published a research paper in International Research Journal Of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science.
Dated 19 March 2023 I am Glad to share with you all that our Third Year Computer Engineering Department Students Miss Raut Chaitali Miss Kshirsagar Samruddhi Miss Madhe Kartiki has participated in State Level Poster Competition and got 2rd prize. The Competition is guided by Ms.Sansare M S which was held at Rajarashi Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic Nashik
IEDSSA स्पर्धेच्या E-2 झोन मध्ये संतोष एन दराडे पॉलिटेक्निकच्या विध्यार्थांचे घवघवीत यश मिनाताई ठाकरे स्टेडियम नाशिक येथे सुरू असणाऱ्या ॲथलेटिक्स इव्हेंट मध्ये संतोष एन दराडे पॉलिटेक्निक बाभुळगाव येवला येथील विध्यार्थांनी विविध स्पर्धांमध्ये घवघवीत यश मिळविले १०० मीटर धावण्याच्या स्पर्धेत प्रथम वर्ष संगणक विभागाची योगेश्वरी बोरसे या विध्यार्थीनीने प्रथम क्रमांक मिळविला तसेच ४०० मीटर धावण्याच्या स्पर्धेत इलेक्ट्रिकल विभागाची पुनम मोरे या विध्यार्थीनीने प्रथम क्रमांक मिळविला लांब उडी स्पर्धेत इलेक्ट्रिकल विभागाची दिवटे समृध्दी या विध्यार्थिनीने द्वितीय क्रमांक तर थाळी फेक स्पर्धेमध्ये संगणक विभागाची योगेश्वरी बोरसे या विध्यार्थिनीने प्रथम क्रमांक मिळविला मैदानी स्पर्धेत या विद्यार्थ्यांनी यश मिळवून जगदंबा शिक्षण संस्था व संतोष एन दराडे पॉलिटेक्निकचे नाव उज्वल केले. विध्यार्थांच्या यशाबद्दल संस्थेचे अध्यक्ष शिक्षक आमदार किशोर दराडे, संचालक रुपेश दराडे संतोष एन दराडे पॉलिटेक्निक चे प्राचार्य उत्तम जाधव, विभाग प्रमुख सतीश राजनकर, ज्ञानेश्वर धनवटे, गणेश चव्हाण, शोरब शेख, संद
I am Glad to share with you all that our Second Year Mechanical Engineering Department Students Mr.Jadhav Ishwar Mr.Hon Pratik Mr.Jadhav Vaibhav has participated in MSBTE State Level Robo Race Compitition and got 1st prize. The Competition is guided by *Mr. Makune S.M. Mr.Gore P.R. Mr. Khokale K V which was held at *Matoshri Institute of Technology Eklahare,Nashik *
Dear Sir/Madam Greetings from Santosh N Darade Polytechnic,Yeola. We are excited to share that an Expert Talk on "Emerging Trends in The Civil Engineering" for Civil Engineering Students was conducted successfully.
Dear Sir/Madam Greetings from Santosh N Darade Polytechnic,Yeola. We are excited to share that Personality Development and Carrier Guidance was arranged by department of Civil Engineering on 29 February 2024. Personality development helps you gain recognition and acceptance from the society as well as people around. Personality development plays an essential role not only in an individual's professional but also personal lives. It makes an individual disciplined, punctual and an asset . Following points were Time Management, Personality Development, Communication skills, Effective Study Skills, Public Speech Training, Team Building . Program Co-ordinator Mr.Ahire R.N HOD Mr. Dhanwate D.S Thanks and regards, Prof.Jadhav U B, Principal S.N.D.Polytechnic,Yeola.
Dear Sir/Madam Greetings from Santosh N Darade Polytechnic,Yeola. We are excited to share that Our Final Year students published a research paper in International Journal Of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science. Guided by the **Miss.Sayyed A.S..on the topic of **Inventory Management System *
I am Glad to share with you all that our Third Year Mechanical Engineering Department Students Mr.Tile Shivanand and Mr.Dathkhile Suraj has participated in MSBTE State Level Technical Quiz Competition guided by Mr.Bhagwat S.N. which was held at K.B.P.Polytechnic, Sanjivani.
Dear Sir/Madam Greetings from Santosh N Darade Polytechnic,Yeola. We are excited to share that Our Final Year students published a research paper in International Journal Of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science. Guided by the **Miss.Achat P.M.on the topic of **Image Encryption Using Database *
10/02/2024: Greetings from Santosh N. Darade Polytechnic , Babhulgaon, Yeola, Maharashtra. We are glad to inform you that, Department of Civil Engineering has conducted a expert lecture on the topic Emerging trends in civil engineering for Civil engineering student's on Saturday 10 feb 2024 .
Happy to announce with you all that our Final Year Civil Engineering Department students 1) Archana Hembade 2) Vaishnavi Hembade 3) Shubham Makhare 4) Mayur Pagare 5 ) Yash Gaikwad have been selected for Kalokhe RMC Pune through campus placement drive organised at KBP polytechnic kopargaon on Dated 5 Feb 2024. We are very thankful to the honourable Managing Trustee Rupesh Bhau Darade , Principal U.B Jadhav sir and all the staff members of the Civil Engineering Department for continuous motivation and inspiration for such Drive.
Dear Sir / Madam, Greetings from Santosh N. Darade Polytechnic , Babhulgaon, Yeola, Maharashtra. We are glad to inform you that, Department of Computer Engineering has sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Esteem Proramming & Training Pvt Lmt for Computer Engg students on Tuesday 06 feb 2024 .We strongly belive that thes MOU is excellent way to help our Department in different activites like Indutrial visit ,Expert lect ,Campus interview ,Project work and Training to students and faculty.
Dear Sir/Madam Greetings from Santosh N Darade Polytechnic,Yeola. We are excited to share that Our Final Year students published a research paper in International Journal Of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science. Guided by the **Prof.Ansari A.M* .on the topic of *Movie Booking System .*
Dear Sir/Madam Greetings from Santosh N Darade Polytechnic,Yeola. We are excited to share that Our Final Year students published a research paper in International Journal Of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science. Guided by the *Miss.Salunke A.S* .on the topic of *IoT Based Gas Leakage Detector Using Arduino .*
29/01/2024: Happy to share with you all that our Third Year Civil Engineering Department students Bagul Jayesh,Krushna wagh,Bhavsar krushana,Jitu Chande got First prize and Sagar kanagne,Ganesh Vyvahre got Third Prize State Level Bridge o mania Competition and Sagar Kang ,Dhatark Sakshi Got first Prize in Poster Presentation which was held at MIT Dhanore.
29/01/2024: A warm congratulations to students of Fire Service Engineering . Of S.N.D. Polytechnic we are Happy to share that our students had participated in Technical Quiz Contest organised by MIT Polytechnic, Dhanore in which Ishwar Thombre SYFR has secured Third position .
29/01/2024: A huge congratulations to students of Electrical Engineering *. Happy to share that our students had participated in *Bridge o Mania arrange by MIT Polytechnic Dhanore . Second position is secured by Somase Rahul , Zalte Vishal ,Khairnar Avishkar, Sangle Pankaj All students From TYEE HOD Prof.Chavan G.P Principal:- Prof.Jadhav U.B
29/01/2024: A warm congratulations to students of SY Mechanical Engineering . Happy to share that our Polytechnic students had participated in State lavel event Technofair Robo Race arrange by MIT Polytechnic Dhanore .
A warm congratulations to students of Civil Engineering . Happy to share that our students had participated in Bridge o Mania arrange by MIT Polytechnic Rotegaon .
Santosh N .Darade Polytechnic,Yeola. We are excited to share that Our Final Year students published a research paper in International Journal Of Innovative Research in Engineering and Multidisciplinary Physical Science. Guided by the Prof.Shaikh S.F .on the topic of Blockchain Voting System
Expert Talk:(01/13/2024),Greetings from Santosh N Darade Polytechnic,Yeola. We are excited to share that Alumini Expert Talk on "Career Guidance"for Computer Engineering Students conducted successfully By Mr. Omkar S. Gaikwad ( Alumini of 2018-19 Batch)..
Expert Talk:(1/11/2024),"We are excited to share that on Today ENTREPRENEUR AWARENESS PROGRAM.
Expert Talk:(23/10/2023),"PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNICATION SKILL"for Second and Third Year Civil Engineering Students , By Mr. Sumeet Deshmukh, Training Manager Drishtee Foundation Nashik.
Expert Talk:(10/10/2023), in computer engineering department we have successfully completed an Expert Talk on Personality Development by Mr. Chandrakant Ingale for Computer Engineering students.
Expert Talk:(03/10/2023),"Big Data & Analysis"for Computer Engineering Students conducted successfully.The Expert Talk was organised in association with DMCIT Nashik .
Entrepreneurship Development ,(09/09/2023) , Role & Activities of MCED by Alok Mishra Sir , Regional Officer , MCED Nashik.
Title: INDUCTION PROGRAM 2023-24, Topic: Changing trends In Civil engineering and it's Implementation related to infrastructure and environment. Speaker: Prof.D S Dhanwate (Hod Civil engineering)
INDUCTION PROGRAM 2023-24, Topic K Scheme Orientation, Speaker Prof.Asude S.R.
Udyamita Diwas | World Entrepreneurship Day 29/08/2023 | Celebration
Meri Maati Mera Desh Celebration 09/08/2023
Guidance to students on road safety and accident prevention. 09/08/2023