Civil Egineering

Civil Engineering Department

Civil Engineering Department of Santosh N Darade Polytechnic came into existence in 2012. The department has been evolved as centre of excellence in offering impeccable, market savvy graduates to emerge as total solution providers. This is made possible by proactive, techno savvy and committed department leadership. In addition to class room teaching learning processes students are guided and encouraged to be familiar with emerging technology subjecting them to continuous value addition .Apart from the excellent technical staff with Master degrees in various fields and our excellent infrastructure, the main reason for The Department is known for the Expertise and State-of-the-art facilities especially in CAD-CAM, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Manufacturing and Production Technology, Energy Conversion, I. C. Engines, Mechatronics and also in other core areas. Experimental and computational facilities are being continuously upgraded. Industry interaction has been increased with industrial visits and arra